BOOKING and What do you know about it? – most of us know it but we don’t know much about this company.

Booking. com is a worldwide agency for booking accommodation online. According to the official website over 950,000 room nights are reserved every day.

The company was established in 1996. The seat is in Amsterdam, but it has more than 60 other seats all over the world, for example in Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, London, Lisbon, Bangkok, Dublin, Dubai, Las Vegas, Miami, Mexico, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Melbourne, Reykjavik…

On you can reserve a small family guest house, hostel and five-star luxury suites as well. It is really up to you :o) is available in more than 40 languages and offers almost 850,000 properties in 221 countries. The company has more than 10,000 employees.

Facts about

1996 – the company was established in this year

950 000 – the number of room nights reserved every day

60 – the number of seats worldwide

850,000 – the number of active properties you can book

221 – the number of countries you can book the accommodation in

10,000 – the number of employees in all company seats